Seventeenth-century and Eighteenth-century English Literature 
學程  歐洲暨歐盟研究學程  
102 23160 

This course introduces students to the development of English literature,1603-1785. At the centre of this course lies a balanced outlook on this period as one of political and religious conflicts, of intellectual and scientific developments, and of literary and cultural sophistication. Students will read from a wide range of genres/writers and will be encouraged, simultaneously, to consider the intrinsic merits of texts and to read a given text in relation to its historical and social contexts. *Please note that the language of instruction of this course is mainly Chinese.


By the end of this course, students will gain a basic understanding of the main genres and the larger thematic concerns of literature produced in this period.

Course Description
This course introduces students to the development of English literature,1603-1785. At the centre of this course lies a balanced outlook on this period as one of political and religious conflicts, of intellectual and scientific developments, and of literary and cultural sophistication. Students will read from a wide range of genres/writers and will be encouraged, simultaneously, to consider the intrinsic merits of texts and to read a given text in relation to its historical and social contexts. By the end of this course, students will gain a basic understanding of the main genres and the larger thematic concerns of literature produced in this period.

Attendance and in-class discussions 20%.
Presentation: 20%
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam: 30%

Students should request leave permission via “Student Leave Management” available from myNTU. Absences of more than five times without permission will result in failure of the course. Absences of more than two times (albeit with permission) will result in deduction of attendance grade. For more information, please refer to “NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Regulations Governing Student Leave Requests” available from NTU Cool. An attendance record of more than five absences will result in failure of this course.

Weekly Schedule
Week 1: Class Overview
Introduction; Petrarchan Sonnets; John Donne, “Anatomy of the world,” “The Flea”
Week 2: Seventeenth-Century Poetry: Metaphysical Poets I
John Donne: “The Canonization,” “The Sun Rising,” Love’s Alchemy,” “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning,” “The Good Morrow,” “Sonnet 10”
Week 3: Seventeenth-Century Poetry: Metaphysical Poets II
George Herbert: “The Altar,” “Easter Wings,” “Prayer (I),” “Virtue,” “The Pulley,” “Love (3)”
Richard Crashaw: “To the Infant Martyrs,” “Non Vi”
Andrew Marvell: “To His Coy Mistress”
Week 4: Country House Poems; The English Civil War and the Cavalier Poets
Ben Jonson: “On My First Son,” “To Penshurst,” “Inviting a Friend to Supper”
Robert Herrick: “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”
Richard Lovelace: “To Lucasta,” “To Althea”
Week 5: Seventeenth-Century Prose: Crisis of Authority; Liberty
Robert Filmer: Patriarcha; Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan; John Locke: Two Treatises of Government
Week 6: John Milton (I): Poems
John Milton: Introduction
Poems: “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity,” L’Allegro, Il Penseroso, Lycidas, “When I Consider How My Light is Spent,” “Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint”
Week 7: John Milton (II): Areopagitica & Paradise Lost 1
Poems continued; Areopagitica; Paradise Lost: Introduction and selected readings from Book 1
Week8: John Milton (III): Paradise Lost 2
Paradise Lost: selected readings from Books 3 and 4
Week 9: John Milton (IV): Paradise Lost 3
Paradise Lost: selected readings from Books 8, 9, and 12
Week 10: Midterm Exam
Week 11: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century; John Dryden
The Restoration and the eighteenth-century;
John Dryden: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy; “Mac Flecknoe,” “Absalom and Achitophel,” Alexander’s Feast
Week 12: Aphra Behn
Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave
Week 13: Swift (I)
Gulliver’s Travels 1
Week 14: Swift (II)
Gulliver’s Travels 2; A Modest Proposal
Week 15: Pope
The Rape of the Lock
Week 16: Final Exam
Weeks 17 and 18: Additional Reading Weeks; Student Presentations Due (Online)

*Week 1 homework: Norton Introduction to C17

Supplementary Course Policies
Safety Measures: All participants of this course are required to wear facemasks during the class. In our weekly discussions and weekly dialogues, the extra use of plastic face shields is recommended. Further details regarding health and safety measures will be adjusted in the needs arise.
Attendance Policy: Students must request leave of absence via “Student Leave Management” available from myNTU. Each student is allowed to apply for a leave of absence twice without point deductions. Please contact the instructor as well as the TA if you plan to be absent form the class. ATTN: More than five times of absence will result in failure of the course. Please refer to https://www.aca.ntu.edu.tw/WebUPD/aca/UAADRules/%E5%AD%B8%E5%89%87.pdf as our principal guideline.
Late-submission: Any assignments submitted later than the deadline will receive a 20% deduction and must be re-submitted within five working days after the deadline. Online Exam Late-Submission: If the course is moved online due to further Covid outbreaks, exams might be administered online. After the portal closes, students can submit their answers by emailing the instructor within 15 minutes after the deadline, with 20% deduction. No later submissions will be accepted, regardless the reasons. Please leave ample time at the submission stage.
Make-up exams: Make-up exams are not permitted. If your absence on the exam day is due to medical reasons, extenuating circumstances, or an official leave, you should produce relevant supporting documents such as a medical diagnosis by a physician. Make-up exams will be administered with a partially different version and should be done no later than five working days after the designated exam date. Make-up exams also results in 20% deduction of test scores.
Misconducts: The instructor, the TA, and the students jointly bear responsibilities for creating a fair and healthy learning environment for students. This course observes NTU’s policies regarding classroom misconduct. Please refer to 國立臺灣大學學則-111.01.14 as our principal guideline. The following behavioral incidents will constitute cheating in this classroom, including but not limited to significant plagiarism (a similarity of >20%), cheating while sitting in an exam (in-class or online), copying and pasting from external sources in an online exam, or discussing with peers during exams that are not open-book.
Plagiarism: Using others’ works, sentences, or ideas as your own without proper acknowledgement or citation will be viewed as plagiarism. Failures to give credit to the materials you use in essay questions, projects, or presentations will result in a score of zero for that assignment. If plagiarism is noted multiple times, your departmental office will be contacted for further action.
Cheating: *Cheating will result in the failure of this course. Guidelines for actions against cheating outlined in the following document will be observed in this class. Please refer to NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Regulations for Individual Student Rewards and Penalties as our principal guideline. For more information, please access https://advisory.ntu.edu.tw/CMS/Page/206.

Attendance, quiz, and in-class discussion 20%
Project: 20%
Mid-term exam: 30%
Final exam: 30% 
Office Hours
Required Textbook: The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 9th Edition or 10th Edition. Available from Bookman. 
(1) The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. S. Greenblatt, 9th Edn, 2012; available from Bookman Bookstore.
(2) Handouts and digital/Audio-visual resources from the instructor 